#6 - Chad Kahl

Lt. Colonel, Doctor, Secretary of Defense Consultant

Show Notes

Chad is currently the flight surgeon to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and a Senior Clinical Consultant to the Office of the Secretary of Defense in Washington DC. Dr. Kahl is also an Assistant Professor at the Walter Reed Medical Center and the Uniformed Services University College of Medicine; teaching the next generation of medical students in integrative medical techniques for treating chronic pain, PTSD and aerospace medicine.

Chad's main focus in the last decade has been on alternate modalities, like prolotherapy, meditation, nutrition, and acupuncture, in treating chronic debilitating physical and mental conditions service members face.

As you’ll notice, the episode begins with the two recounting their experience in a humvee together, going through a snow! storm! in Iraq on a USO tour - and that’s just the beginning of this incredible podcast.

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